Monday, October 11, 2010

My Face Needs Water, Lots of It

I always have problems with plants in my office and in my house. I forget to water them and they always ended up in the garbage bin. The same goes to my face and body except that I couldn't throw it away and buy a new one. If I could, I would. 

Drinking plain water is like a punishment to me, I want to escape every time. Bought water tumbler and nothing's changed. Bought bottled water and I finished a couple in a month. Why is it so difficult to drink water? It's supposed to be natural. The Chinese are taught at a very young age to drink a lot of plain water or plain tea. You can see them carrying around big water tumblers filled with tea or yellowish liquid. I dread drinking plain water. Therefore, look at my skin. 

So what's the solution? People have been telling me about this product from Korea. I think I'm gonna give it a shot. If you have been using it, share your experience with me. 


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