Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Who Needs A Diaper Cake??

Well.... apparently people who organize baby showers! I've never heard of a diaper cake until yesterday when my niece informed me so. In my mind, I was like, do people eat diaper cake? Didn't want to sound ignorant, I refused to ask her what the hell is a diaper cake. And then I consulted Mr Google who told me that there's no eating involved in diaper cake. Phew! I had imagined sinking my teeth in a piece a cake that looks like a diaper with lemon filling. Don't panic.. this cake has nothing to do with flour, icing, etc. If it has, for God's sake, I don't mind being forgotten.   

But this cake is special and unique. It is to give expecting mothers on their baby shower parteeey!!! Don't expect any Candy Shop song by 50 cent in this gig, no lollipops...more of lullabies perhaps. 

Okay....to make this cake, all you need are diapers and baby stuff, sprinkle it with imagination... and voila! Haha!! As if I have ever made one. For my other niece who is expecting a baby daughter, I want to make one for her.  Something like the one in this photo! If it didn't turn out to be this one... DO NOT JUDGE ME FOR I'M JUST A HUMAN YANG TIDAK SEMPURNA!

Gorgeous yo!


  1. pergh..kalau diaper cake tuh cake betul gue pon muntah.. wekk..haha.. but sama la ape yg busu buat ngan gambo tuh.. >.<

  2. i love my diaper cake! thank you so much!! :D
