Monday, May 31, 2010

Sex is not for everybody, apparently.

On Monday, exemplary teacher who just won Tokoh Nilam award, Mr Alias Ismail revealed to The Star the secret to his boundless energy during the day. 'Surprisingly' he likes to have sex with his wife everyday! Interestingly however, this revelation has turned into an uproar and anger outbursts amongst Facebook community. As an exemplary teacher, he shouldn't have revealed anything inside the bedroom, according to majority of the comments. People do not like to hear about sex! Like he has nothing else to say!

I find this reaction a bit conventional. I'm not all for it but again in my opinion, he is entitled to say what he wanted to say. It's not like he revealed so much details in the interview, it's not like he's into S&M, he just likes to have sex with his wife. What's wrong with that? It doesn't make him any less human than other people out there. Many are pretty quick to judge, I reckon. Perhaps it's our culture, we like to put everything under wrap rather than be open about. If we have a gay sibling, don't you dare let other people know. If your husbands have an affair, keep it silent unless he plans to legitimize the relationship, then you can shout NO as loud as you can.

Are we saying the other teachers who are not talking about sex are much better teachers than this one? Who knows what's going on in their closets. Give the guy a break. He's done a good job to be awarded such a nobel award. So he slipped the three letter taboo word in the interview to spark our morning... we don't have to condemn him like he's a sex maniac.

If a leader can have a sex tape with another woman, why can't a teacher say that he likes having sex with his wife?

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